4 Simple Tips to Avoid Medical Malpractice
The use of current and regularly reviewed protocols that are standard across an organization can be the difference between life or death, or the difference between winning or losing a malpractice suit.
New is always exciting: the smell, the feelings, and most importantly, the purpose. We’re excited to introduce ProtocolNow to the world! Its purpose is to help improve processes to improve lives.
ProtocolNow is a platform that houses the lifecycle of protocol management. Protocols are everywhere. They help both public and private sectors move smoother and allow for better consistency and output. However, the current protocol solutions aren’t keeping up with the pace of the modern world.
The protocol building process is broken
Most protocols are housed in physical form: notecards, three-ring binders, manuals, etc. They’re cumbersome, costly, and extremely difficult to keep current.
In a world gone digital, why haven’t our protocols? 2020 has had enough issues, and updating protocols shouldn’t be one of them.
ProtocolNow was built out of necessity and specializes in solving protocol problems that are pervasive in healthcare. The system is broken up into four main stages of the protocol development lifecycle:
This is where protocols begin. You can start from scratch or a template. Within this stage there are three phases: In Progress, Pending Approval, and Published Protocols.
Have a protocol that needs to be deployed or updated? In the training stage, anyone that is subscribed to a protocol will automatically be notified of any changes. Better yet, system Admins can even see when and if a user has viewed protocol releases and updates. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
In addition to being a greener, more cost effective solution, going digital also allows protocols to be viewable at any time or location—even without reception. Data is also gathered on the protocols themselves. This helps to bring light to potential training opportunities, necessary updates, and further administrative efficiency insights.
With time, new information is gathered helping doctors and staff be better informed. This information can be re-injected into a protocol to help it become better.
ProtocolNow is available now in the app store. Download to begin exploring how this new system can revolutionize the way your organization develops and distributes protocols.
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